April Sun!

Brevig sunshine is back in full force!!  And I'm absolutely loving the increasing hours of daylight.  7 more minutes a day since December 21st has gotten us to over 16 hours of sun on April 21st.  And I have been taking full advantage of this!  With milder weather (above freezing!! less than 30mph winds!!), I've been able to get out to walk a few miles on the sea ice:

And a few miles out on the road towards the dump before things got too slushy:

Occasionally I have also climbed 12 ft tall snow piles, and felt like an ice princess.

Okay but on to the more adorable reason I'm actually here, and why you're here reading this... these guys:

Mustache Day was a blast, and led to spontaneous outbursts of giggles all day long.  Well, mostly I spent the day laughing at small mustached humans.  And they tolerated my crazy for the day.  Actually they do that every day.

And then some days we go skiing and they're even cuter than before (I know, is that even possible?).

The skiing was made possible by Skiku, a program that allowed a team of ski coaches to travel out to the village for a week and weekend of skiing fun!  They also brought some biathlon laser guns we got to use to practice our shooting skills.  The kids were so much better at this than their teacher. ;)

In between the crazy fun things, we also sometimes spend our time learning important school things... like, how to regroup ten in order to add and subtract!


On a serious note though, I am really proud of these little ones.  They have come so far this year!  I have to be honest, I'm a little emotional about them and the fact we have only 3 weeks left together.  They came to me at the beginning of the year knowing very little about numbers and struggling with simple addition and subtraction.  And now they're borrowing and carrying, doing 2 and 3-digit subtraction and addition!!  I can't tell you how many hours and frustrations have gotten us here... this is a real life story:
we started at the bottom now we here.  
I couldn't be more proud.  <3  And, before I get too much more sappy and emotional...

On April Fool's Day, we distracted our principal and snuck the entire school (yes, ENTIRE school; students, teachers, aids, janitors...) out of the building over to the preschool.  I have to give credit for this one to my roommate, and although I thoroughly enjoyed the prank myself, I am not the master mind behind the plan.  But here is everyone (before the high schoolers started getting a little bored and whiny...), hiding from our principal!


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