My Children

The end of the school year is always ridiculously busy for teachers! In Brevig, we wrap up the end of the school year in May, as the sun is coming back full force, with two weeks of "Art Camp." For those last two weeks of school, I took my 2nd graders on a backpacking trip around Europe! We got our backpacks, and set off on an adventure of studying and creating art! They were SO EXCITED to pack their bags and board the plane for our European adventure... and then became so sad when I had to explain to their adorable little faces that we were not actually getting on a plane and exploring Europe as a class for two weeks. Oops. Sometimes I forget how completely my enthusiasm rubs off on their creative little brains.

We spent a few days in Italy, Spain, Germany, Sweden, France, and Ireland. I didn't take as many pictures as I should have, but we had such fun through all of our art adventures!

We also spent lots of time outside with the sunshine and slowly melting snow!

And amidst all of the crafting and playing and learning new languages and cultures, there were lots of "I don't want to leave 2nd grade!" and "Why can't you be our teacher next year?" and "Nope, I'm failing." and tight squeezing hugs and hand holding and constant appreciation of the last of our time together. Every single one of these little ones very quickly became like my own children, and my love for them surprises even myself. <3 

I believe that every teacher's goal should be to strive to create a classroom of safety and community where kids feel like they can explore, learn, and be as curious as they want. In essence, a "home." Finding this special note as I was cleaning my classroom after the last day of school brought me to tears, as I realized that I had most certainly achieved that goal this year, with this amazingly special and caring group of kids.


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