Wrapping It Up

The end of the school year in Brevig has come and gone surprisingly quick!  Spring in Brevig seems to be an exciting time of the year for everyone.  It seems like just a few weeks ago, but was about a month ago now, I was riding upriver to go fishing for the weekend with friends.  I definitely had a blast, and can't wait to go more often next year!  Upriver is such a beautiful place; I joke that I might just move up there and live in a cabin on the river, it's just that gorgeous.  (Or at least everyone thinks I'm joking....)  Well, see for yourself:

Aren't those mountains just fantastic??

And the sunsets too!!

The 2 hours spent hanging on for dear life, bumping along in the sled behind the snow machine to get out there and back again were so worth it.  Our few camping days were spent on the ice fishing, checking different holes on the frozen river for better fishing spots, enjoying the abundance of sunshine, and each other's company.  And eating muktuk (whale blubber) for breakfast... :)

The second weekend trip out I finally caught a few pike!!

By this time of year in Brevig, we get quite a bit of sunshine... which ended up roasting my poor little face.  So much so that I had to take a day off of work when I got back because of overexposure.  Yikes!  After the burn calmed down a little and I wasn't so bright red anymore, I fit right in with everyone else's sun-tanned faces from their hunting & fishing trips.  

Wrapping up the end of school happened in a whirlwind of warmer weather, art camp activities, the fishing derby during one of the last frozen days of the year, and our end-of-the-year performance we worked on as a class with a traveling native artist.  It all happened so fast and before I knew it I was on a plane headed for NY.  I managed to capture just a few moments in all of the craziness:

Being adorable on the way to the fishing derby!

Playing out for recess when we couldn't stand to be inside for one second longer!

Our last day of school picture!  (They're faces crack me up!!)

And our end-of-the-year "Going Hunting" performance! 

Towards the end, we were all antsy to be finished and get to enjoy the nicer weather, I already miss my little class of now-3rd graders.  I am looking forward to going back in August and spending another year in the place I now call home- Brevig Mission, AK.  I know it will be another crazy year filled with many adventures and new experiences, and for that I am truly excited.

Before heading back to the northern tundra, I have just a few adventures planned for this summer.  Stay tuned!


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