Here Comes the Sun!

Once the daylight starts coming back, it comes back full force. Everyone wakes up from their zombie/hibernation winter mode, and we spend every possible minute outside in the sun. Weekends are spent at camp, and weeknights are spent adventuring as long as the sun will let us. School becomes an insane asylum that everyone tries to escape from at one point or another. March and April quickly become busier than you ever thought possible. Even though the camping trips added to my general state of exhaustion, they kept me sane and happy through the growing hours of daylight.

Getting out of the village and spending time with family and friends always fully recharged my soul, and I'm already looking forward to getting back there next winter/spring. We spend our days pike fishing in the river...

And making day trips to the natural hot springs in the area...

This is where my sanity is found. And this is where I have fallen in love with Alaska.

Another exciting part of April was a visit from my sister!! My brave baby sister flew all the way from New York, by herself, to spend almost 2 weeks with me in Brevig! And we had a total blast! She successfully caught the tiniest pike in all of Alaska, and survived a crazy weekend adventure at camp with all of us.

She loved it all, and can't wait to get back up for another visit- what a treasure she is. <3

In the midst of all of this, I did have a few spare minutes to reflect on how important living in Alaska has become for me, and a few things I've learned after 2 years in Brevig. Occasionally I get a moment or two of creative inspiration... ;)


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