And So It Begins!

Last Thursday (wow, does that ever feel like a lifetime ago...) my parents drove me to the Syracuse airport at 9:15 am.  The previous evening of family fun with the Picciano's was spent in Lafayette.  I've mentioned this crazy bunch in a previous post, but they're really a great crew.  First of all, it was my grandma's birthday.  So we attempted the age-old Surprise-on-Curtain-Rd.  This has never, in the history of Picciano birthday surprises, ever been a real surprise.  Mostly because a surprise party of some sort happens every year.... we're a predictable bunch I guess.  But whoever the surprisee happens to be (usually a grandparent or both) always puts on a good show of it, and we all feel accomplished in our previous not-so-secretive planning and scheming behind (or in front) of their back.  Anyways, after a ridiculous amount of confusion (mostly on the part of the grandparents caused by their kids), we all had a lot of fun.  Wine, pinatas, and fireworks were enjoyed by all, and all was good in the Picciano world.  At the end of the evening, I was surprised with a beautiful "Alaska Cake" made by my cousins; it's a glacier!  Can you see the state of Alaska?

At the airport in the morning, my family was the crazy one outside security.  In their defense, I won't be home again until Christmas, the longest I'll have ever been away.  On my way out of security I looked back, not thinking I'd still be able to still see them through all the criss-crossed ropes and metal detector machines, but there they were.  Jumping and waving so I wouldn't be able to miss them!  <3

After delayed flights and stressful airports, I was fortunately bumped up to first class on the 7.5 hour flight from Chicago to Anchorage!  After being awake for about 20 hours by now, I was livin' the life with my extra leg room and real glass drinking glasses!  Still not able to sleep at all, but much more comfortable.  The crowd on an Alaska Air flight is quite different from other flights... the pilot came right down the isle to make sure we were all settled in, and after hearing that this was my first flight to Alaska (the kind gentleman made him aware), specially welcomed me over the speaker system.  I was quickly learning that Alaska is, indeed, a special place.

My first Alaskan sunrise was much prettier than the picture can capture.

Finally, I landed in Anchorage at 3:38 am on Friday.  Woohoo!  I was in Alaska!  That day was filled with new teacher "Welcome Wagon" activities; it was amazing that veteran teachers from the district met us newbies in Anchorage and helped us get everything figured out before flying out to the villages.  The next 24 hours were filled with so many things to get done!  There were multiple trips to Walmart and Costco for TONS of groceries to ship out to the villages...

[I felt a little bit like RJ the raccoon from Over The Hedge, running down a mountain side with a little red wagon piled high with food... ]

...the DMV for driver's licenses (which I failed, by one question.  OF COURSE.  I was still able to get a state ID for residency though...), the GCI phone store (yay brand new phone!), Walmart again, and dinner with the group of new teachers and veteran teachers before bed.  At that point, I had been awake for 42 hours.  The longest yet.  Not even in college did I pull a stunt like that.

I was still enjoying Anchorage through the exhaustion.

The next morning I was up at 7:00 am and off to Walmart one last time with the group before catching my flight out of Anchorage.  This was the most beautiful flight by far.


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